Abraham: The Father of Us All

Abraham: The Father of Us All Inn at Stone Mountain Park Gilmore, Michael 10/09/2022

This resource is still being cataloged in order to give you a full description, Scripture list, and other information about it here. In the meantime, you can still enjoy listening to the teaching or download it.

Be of Good Cheer

Be of Good Cheer Believing Renewed Mind Integrity of the Word Online Gilmore, Michael 06/05/2021

This teaching highlights Hebrews 11:1 regarding believing being the title deed to things we pray for. We can have confidence in God’s Word, that what He says will come to pass. The teacher refers to various records in God’s Word where someone had a need, they were told to “be of good cheer”, and deliverance followed. We will have pressure in this life, but God’s Word is the greater reality in every situation. We can “be of good cheer” even before we get the deliverance because we believe His Word.

PO Box 838, East Brunswick, NJ 08816

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