Believing vs. Fear

This teaching opens by looking at two sections in Mark where Jesus handles believing. It establishes the importance of our focus and firm reliance on God as well as making an active decision to believe. The teaching handles fear and it’s effects as the believers greatest enemy. We are reminded of our job to trust and seek and of God’s job to deliver and keep us safe. This teaching closes with the results of trusting God.

Category: Advances & Camps

Number in series: 3 of 5

Believing vs. Fear – Audio

Teaching - Audio

Teacher/Author: Michael Gilmore

Location: Greenkill Conference Center

Topics: Believing, Trusting God, Overcoming Fear

Date: April 24, 2010

Scripture References:
Mark 9:23-24
Mark 11:24
Romans 4:20-21
James 1:6-7
Romans 10:17
Genesis 1:28
Genesis 3:1
Genesis 3:9-10
Jeremiah 49:24
Jeremiah 49:23
Proverbs 29:25
Psalms 31:1-4
Psalms 34:4
2 Chronicles 32:7-12
2 Chronicles 32:8
Jeremiah 17:7-9

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