2018 Spring Advance Closing Sharing

In this closing sharing from the 2018 Spring Advance, we are reminded to pay attention to our motivation behind what we do. God’s heart is to see people whole, restored, and healed, and that should be our motivation for hearing and speaking God’s Word.

Category: Advances & Camps

Number in series: 8 of 8

2018 Spring Advance Closing Sharing – Audio

Teaching - Audio

Teacher/Author: Jerry Carr

Location: Greenkill Conference Center

Topics: Healing

Date: May 06, 2018

Scripture References:
Colossians 3:1
Isaiah 58:1-4
Matthew 6:5
Isaiah 58:5-11
Philippians 2:13
Isaiah 58:12
Psalms 107:1-43
Ephesians 2:7

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