Continuing Steadfastly in Prayer

This teaching is about one of the most powerful and life-changing things we can do as believers: prayer. It takes a deeper look at the phrase “continued stedfastly” in prayer from Acts 2 and how we can build this habit in our own lives. The teacher gives many examples of answered prayers and shows how this can build trust in God. Prayer with believing goes beyond people’s expectations, brings people together, crosses distances, and leads to results. Our lifestyle and instant reaction includes going to God for everything we care about and looking for ways to give by praying. God can be our closest friend. If we want to live abundant lives and see the Word move over the world, then we need to continue steadfastly in prayer.

Category: Advances & Camps

Number in series: 4 of 8

Continuing Steadfastly in Prayer – Audio

Teaching - Audio

Teacher/Author: Erin Shaak

Location: Greenkill Conference Center

Topics: Prayer

Date: April 30, 2016

Scripture References:
Acts 2:41-42
Acts 10:7
Romans 12:12
1 Peter 5:7
Philippians 4:6
Acts 12:1-5
Acts 12:11-16
Colossians 1:9
Colossians 4:2-3
Matthew 21:22
Acts 2:42-43

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